Altberg - Leder-Gris Xtreme Wax

  • Sale
  • Regular price £7.50

Leder-Gris Xtreme is a mixture of 50% oil, and 50% wax. It is not recommended for everyday use. Leder-Gris Xtreme should be used as a restorative only. If the leather has been extremely wet, or is getting regularly wet and dry, then hardening of the leather will begin, and this can result in early signs of cracking where the boot flexes. Use of Leder-Gris Xtreme softens the leather, and used correctly, it will extend the time before the leather begins to crack. Leder-Gris Xtreme is also good for using on heavy leathers, if you want to soften them a little. 

  • Increases water repellency.
  • Increases leather softness.
  • For use on heavier water repellent leathers or in extreme conditions (Must not be 'over applied'. Use sparingly and brush into the leather.)

Colour: Clear

Contents: 80g

For regular treatment use Leder-Gris Original instead.

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